
The Homework Dashboard is designed to provide a teacher with an overview of their homework related activities and to make it even easier to complete some of the most common actions required throughout the homework process.

Create a New Task#

Click this button to create a new homework task.

Due Soon#

The due soon block shows a list of the homework tasks that are due today or tomorrow. These are displayed along with their assigned class so that you can more easily find the tasks that your classes should be handing in.

Each task provides a number of quick actions to help you navigate directly to the related items. You can:

  • Edit a homework task by clicking the edit icon.

  • Go to the grading screen for a task by clicking the grading icon.

  • Go to the submissions screen for a task by clicking the submissions icon. (In class submission tasks only)

  • Go to a classes gradebook by clicking the view gradebook icon.


The grading block shows the number of homework tasks that have are past their deadline date, were set to record grades and have one or more missing grades. (That is where the number of students with submitted work is less than the number with graded work.) You can click on the block to be taken straight to a screen showing the details of the tasks that require your attention.

My Classes#

Click on the My Classes option to be taken to your class list.

Today’s Classes#

The today’s classes block shows all of the classes you’re a supervisor of that have a timetabled lesson today. You can see the class code and period they are being taught in as well as a quick action to create a new homework task for that class.

Clicking on the create a new task icon will take you to a new homework task where the class and students will be automatically selected for you once you enter a title for the new task.