Detention Outcome#

The detention outcome is a reserved outcome type. It includes a workflow for managing and analysing detentions within the school.


When a detention has been marked as attended or missed you won’t be able to update it’s details any more.

Adding a Detention#

To add a detention select the detention outcome from the incident screen. This will load the detention window where you can select the student(s) you’d like to add a detention for.

To assign a detention to a student, select them from the dropdown list. When the window first loads the system will automatically select all students with a role of “Perpetrator” or “Instigator” as these are the students you’ve identified as being at fault within this incident.

You’ll see the detention grid, where you can see which student(s) are available on a given date for each detention time slot. If all students are available you’ll see a cell with “All Available” written inside, if only some are available you’ll see how many are available for each slot and if none are available you’ll see “All Unavailable”.

To select the desired time slot and day combination click the corresponding cell in the table. This will highlight the cell and update the text to say “Selected”.

Once selected you’ll need to choose the severity level of this detention as well as the location where it will take place. When all of the required fields have been completed, click the Add Detention(s) button to set a detention for each of the selected students. A green popup message will confirm the detention was saved successfully.


You can set a detention for a maximum of 7 days in the past. This feature is present to allow staff to record a detention after the fact, where they did not have time to record it before the detention was set and attended by the student.


The student will receive a high priority notification including the details of the detention they have just been given.


If the detention time slot has been configured to send SMS messages, the students parental responsibility contact(s) will be sent an SMS message letting them know about the new detention. The SMS will not be sent if the detention’s date is in the past.

If you selected a detention time slot where only some of the students were available the detention popup will be automatically displayed again with the unavailable student(s) pre-selected. The location and severity level will also be set to your previous selection so you won’t need to select those. You can then select a different time slot for these students to serve their detentions. This makes the process of setting detentions simpler when most of the students are available but one or two aren’t.

Editing a Detention#

You can edit a detentions details by finding the relevant detention within the incident and clicking it’s edit button. This will load the detention details.

You can then move the time slot and day of the detention simply by clicking on an available cell within the table. If you need to change the location or severity level you can update them here as well. Once all of the information is updated, click the Save button to update the detention.

Deleting a Detention#

You can delete a detention by locating the relevant detention within the incident and clicking it’s delete button.


The student will receive a high priority notification letting them know the detention has been cancelled.


If the detention time slot has been configured to send SMS messages, the students parental responsibility contact(s) will be sent an SMS message letting them know about the cancelled detention. The SMS will not be sent if the detention’s date is in the past.


This page is protected by the permissions related to an Incident and is available to users with the following roles:

  • Staff Members

    • Available with permission